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Showing posts from October, 2019

Why latex can be a fetish?

It is easy to imagine people marveling others by their features when those features are new and stra nge subjects to them. Fetishes can easily be surprisin g subjects to people who hav en't dealt with t hem in any way before. They may be odd, sometimes even frightening b ut sometimes maybe even fascinating subjects. As al ways I encourage people to learn about subjects before mak in g hasty prejudices or judgements. To put my effort on proper fetish enlightenment I decided to tell my visual angle why latex can be a fetish. I tell only my p oint of view and only about latex becau se there are lots of different fetishes and experiences of the fetishists are often unique. So everyone could tell a bit different stories. I think latex is a common fetish for many reasons. It has lots to offer for almost every sense. In a nuts hell latex is a fetish because of its: - Feeling - Looks - Scent - Sounds The feeling of latex divi des opinions. There is a quote : "Latex ...

Free gifts and sponsoring to fetish models - true or false?

It is no t always made c lear to people that celebrities and famous stars get free gifts from companies and manufacturers. But as it has been already proved famous people are gettin g those offers very often . Actually it is quite outrageous that t he people who get so much money still gets free gifts from expensi ve products just if they are willing to use t hem and show them off to ordinary people. Because when ordinary people see some rich and famous celebrity using ce rtain type of product or clothing they begin dreaming that maybe they could have th o se items too. This creates de mand and business . But who wouldn't take free gifts if offered and if th ey would be n ice and interesting? If I would be offered a new top notch sma rt phone free of charge and I just had to show it around in the ci ty and post some pictures to Instagram why would I d eny? It's just that I don 't have millions of followers on social media so I'm not creating hu ge business and ther...

Experience: Tampere Fetish Factory 2019 (TAFF 2019), Finland

I had an opportunity to take part to Tampere Fetish Fa ctory 2019 (TAFF2019) on saturday 21.9.2019. T ampere Fetish Factory is a traditional fe tish event held in Tampere, Finland. It has been one of th e most popula r kinky people events in Finland. The event is organized by Rsy ke ry, Tampere's kinky association. I took part to event with my partner, Tigrita. (*N OTE: There are also other TAFF-named events around, like Turku Animated Film Fe stival. This article i s only about Tampere Fetish Factory which has the same abbreviation!) Getting there Our choice was to travel to Tampere with a car. Car isn't always the best option because parking spaces at Tampere are qui te limited near centre of the c i ty. Some local might know some good locations to park a car but we didn 't ask for tips. We decided to park the car to Laukontori parking space overnight. There is a parking fee to be paid in certain hours . We only had to pay for 1,5 hours be cau se parking was ...