It is easy to imagine people marveling others by their features when those features are new and stra nge subjects to them. Fetishes can easily be surprisin g subjects to people who hav en't dealt with t hem in any way before. They may be odd, sometimes even frightening b ut sometimes maybe even fascinating subjects. As al ways I encourage people to learn about subjects before mak in g hasty prejudices or judgements. To put my effort on proper fetish enlightenment I decided to tell my visual angle why latex can be a fetish. I tell only my p oint of view and only about latex becau se there are lots of different fetishes and experiences of the fetishists are often unique. So everyone could tell a bit different stories. I think latex is a common fetish for many reasons. It has lots to offer for almost every sense. In a nuts hell latex is a fetish because of its: - Feeling - Looks - Scent - Sounds The feeling of latex divi des opinions. There is a quote : "Latex ...