It was many years back when I found a mention about this movie on some website. There was a sho rt br iefing about the movie and it said the movie tells about a young woman who ha s a latex fetish . Of course I got interested about the movie and trie d to get i t in my hands as soon as possible. I had my prejudices regarding t he movie. Always when I had heard about a woman and latex clothing being in same movie it had been a fetish sex film or some short scene in a movie where some sexy bimbo wears PVC pants and makes i t excessive and a joke. I was very happy to find out that this movie wasn't a joke. It w as exactly what I had wished for a long time. Rubbers ou onna movie cover. Rubbers Ou Onna (also sometimes: "Rabâzu: Oou onna") is a japanese movie from year 2010. It's in japanese language. I didn't have an opportunity to watch the movie with subti tles or dub. Therefore my review is based on my own feelings and to things I saw in the movie. So...