New fetishism introducing blog
Welcome to Senshi's Shelter - Fetish lifestyle blog with primary goal to introduce you a part of the fetish world focusing on its ordinary side. This blog tries to give a picture of a fetishist as a normal human being and tries to shoot down myths and prejudices.
This blog is meant to be appropriate and humane way to introduce fetishism and fetish lifestyle. From what I have seen I believe there could be some demand for more thoughtful telling about fetisism. Fetishists can understand their feelings and needs themselves but they are too often looked down by the "ordinary people" who don't have any of the fetishes which are kept uncommon on everyday life.
And this is something I wish to change in the future. Mostly because I have experienced fear, anxiety and sadness myself during my life just because I've felt that I'm different and others would judge and disapprove me. Because I'm a fetishist and most of the people don't understand the subject. It's too often when people judge others even though they haven't learned anything about the subject beforehand.
Fetishism should belong to acknowledged sexual minorities
I relate fetishists and other kinky people much to HLBTIQ -people even I know some people don't like this relating. But there's some similarities. HLBTIQ -people want to get acceptance to their relationships which include other kind of relationship to humans than heteronormative way. Kinky people are often excluded from "rainbow people" because they are too odd or their subject doesn't relate to loving other human being. Of course HLBTIQ -people can promote their case only but the way I see this is that most of the sexual minorities don't accept all the sexual minorities after all. Of course I understand that some of the kinky people are really frightening and others make an impression of serious cuckoo-heads. Nevertheless, isn't there always these kind of people among all of groups, including HLBTIQ -people and even those ordinary ones?
Seriously, I've been around during the years and I can guarantee you that there's much normal people among the kinky communities. The only thing that could make them weirdos in the others eyes is that they like something that is kept taboo among the masses. I've met really kind and nice people, I've met conservative and liberal people, I've met parents and non-parents and I've met lots of people from all kinds of careers. You couldn't tell if your neighbor could be one of them. Or your collague or even your realtive. Does it sound kind of familiar? Yes. Sometime ago HLBTIQ -people had same kind of situation. Nowadays they are more and more accepted and welcome around "normal people". Because they too are normal people despite their sexuality.
My wish is that one day kinky people have their rights written on the paper that their sexuality is not a reason to any kind of harassment or discrimination. I wish that there will be some actor that can assure that kinky people has their rights and they can live their life without fear of disapproval or judgement related to their sexuality.
Aiming to normalize fetishism, give support and explain what fetishism is about
I hope my blog will help anyone who thinks alike worldwide. But my wish concerns mostly my home country Finland where kinky people can live their lifes kind of freely but the subject is still a taboo and not included clearly on the laws or official statements. Only good things that has happened in Finland is that being a kinky isn't a crime and few kinky classifications were deleted from International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (= ICD-codes) in the year 2011. After that kinky people hasn't been "sick" anymore but still they haven't got proper support from official actors. Kinky people have only their own communities and societies that try to defend their rights but are mostly small actors without effective authority.
I hope this will change in the future and people who discover themselves kinky will have their back secured.
In addition to my primary targets I try to introduce, explain and show you some lifestyle that some of the kinky people could live. I think that even most of the fetish lifestyle living people show off their life as a world of dreams and unicorns or something related only to ultra-sexy pictures on social media there's always the other side no one is willing to talk about - the normal life. My mission is to make fetishism more ordinary thing. For example fetish clothing shouldn't be only for the sexy mega-baby Instagram models or slaves licking the mistress's boots in the dungeon. Fetish clothing is often included in porn too but it's not just a porn accessory. Of course you want to wear sexy clothing if there should be something sexy. Leather pants or shiny leggings might also be sexy. But those are still not porn clothes.
Fetish clothing is for anyone who likes it and the way people like it might not be always sexual. Some people like fetish clothing just because it's ultra cool clubbing wear. Some people dress up fetish wear for the pictures to make money. Some people think that fetish garment isn't even so unordinary. Then again for some people fetish clothing can be a strong part of their identity - it can give a really strong and comfort feeling kind like a superhero costume. And the feeling can be sexual or non-sexual. This is something I try to explain more in the future because I belong to this category.
Please excuse me if there's any errors or typos on the blog as english isn't my native language. I hope I can improve my english skills even more with writing this blog.
I hope this blog will give shelter to like-minded people, give a good introduction of fetisism to all people and last but not least I hope this blog will change the way of thinking to better direction concerning kinky people and will achieve its main purpose: To get acceptance, understanding and protection to kinky people in need.
Building of Senshi's Shelter has begun. Welcome aboard!
- Senshi -
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