I really miss a proper enlightenment about kinky theme. Kinky things have popped out here and there and they have often reached interest and attention. But the way those kinky things have been brought to light have been poor. There are almost always only two ways how kinky things are dealt with: They are a laughing stock or horrible things. The reason for this is quite simple: The lack of appropriate approach aiming to common knowledge about kinky subjects.
You can once again compare kinky people situation to HLBTIQ-people. For example homosexuals were commonly underground about 60 years ago. Homosexuals were kept sick and the subject was a taboo. In the long run homosexualism has become very much accepted around western countries. What has lead to this? I guess it's about the hard work of course but I also guess that rainbow movement have been giving a proper enlightenment about their subjects and matters. They have given an angle about their situation and told that their sexuality isn't only about sex which is the subject that ordinary heterosexual thinks first and maybe even only. HLBTIQ-people have earned their rights and status because they have influenced people and policymakers by telling them about their situation, experiences and grievances and demanded equality and better treatment.
One problem is that kinky people are lacking an effective association. They don't have a worldwide association or movement to drive their rights and to tell about kinkiness in positive way. HLBTIQ-people have their back secured much better. They are more united and they have the rainbow flag. We can see the rainbow flag getting more common year by year and many different actors have shown their support for HLBTIQ-people and their rights. Rights to be here, live and have acceptance. Kinky people are missing this option.
Many of the kinky people are satisfied with current situation. They don't have any need to come out from their closet. Most of them have kinky things in their life just for sex and some of kinksters are even happy about getting some disapproval. But there are those other kinksters who might experience their kinkyness more important. For them kinky things might be a big part of their life like the whole style of their relationship (submissive / dominative) or a part of their identity (behaviour, fetish). And this is about these people now - How can they get the support and understanding they might be needing?
In Finland HLBTIQ-people have an actor that drives their cause and defend their rights: SETA. The name means "sexual equality" as an abbreviation. SETA is a good actor in my opinion and very much needed among HLBTIQ-people. My wish is that kinky people could have same kind of actor that could understand their situation and give enlightenment to people and policymakers. An actor that could give help and defend their rights. Unfortunately kinky people are still outside from this kind of option.
I'm not sure if kinky people are in need of support and understanding commonly. But I have already heard feedback that some people in Finland share my thoughts and wishes to have an option to get support and understanding from someone. Whether this actor could be some kind of head of kinky society, SETA, other sexual unity or foundation or some official representative, this is one of the main reasons I'm bringing these topics to daylight. I wish that we will have lots of conversation between these actors and we would find a solution where a kinky person in need of help could have someone to help on the cause.
Time will tell. Sooner or later. Time will tell.
You can once again compare kinky people situation to HLBTIQ-people. For example homosexuals were commonly underground about 60 years ago. Homosexuals were kept sick and the subject was a taboo. In the long run homosexualism has become very much accepted around western countries. What has lead to this? I guess it's about the hard work of course but I also guess that rainbow movement have been giving a proper enlightenment about their subjects and matters. They have given an angle about their situation and told that their sexuality isn't only about sex which is the subject that ordinary heterosexual thinks first and maybe even only. HLBTIQ-people have earned their rights and status because they have influenced people and policymakers by telling them about their situation, experiences and grievances and demanded equality and better treatment.
One problem is that kinky people are lacking an effective association. They don't have a worldwide association or movement to drive their rights and to tell about kinkiness in positive way. HLBTIQ-people have their back secured much better. They are more united and they have the rainbow flag. We can see the rainbow flag getting more common year by year and many different actors have shown their support for HLBTIQ-people and their rights. Rights to be here, live and have acceptance. Kinky people are missing this option.
Many of the kinky people are satisfied with current situation. They don't have any need to come out from their closet. Most of them have kinky things in their life just for sex and some of kinksters are even happy about getting some disapproval. But there are those other kinksters who might experience their kinkyness more important. For them kinky things might be a big part of their life like the whole style of their relationship (submissive / dominative) or a part of their identity (behaviour, fetish). And this is about these people now - How can they get the support and understanding they might be needing?
In Finland HLBTIQ-people have an actor that drives their cause and defend their rights: SETA. The name means "sexual equality" as an abbreviation. SETA is a good actor in my opinion and very much needed among HLBTIQ-people. My wish is that kinky people could have same kind of actor that could understand their situation and give enlightenment to people and policymakers. An actor that could give help and defend their rights. Unfortunately kinky people are still outside from this kind of option.
I'm not sure if kinky people are in need of support and understanding commonly. But I have already heard feedback that some people in Finland share my thoughts and wishes to have an option to get support and understanding from someone. Whether this actor could be some kind of head of kinky society, SETA, other sexual unity or foundation or some official representative, this is one of the main reasons I'm bringing these topics to daylight. I wish that we will have lots of conversation between these actors and we would find a solution where a kinky person in need of help could have someone to help on the cause.
Time will tell. Sooner or later. Time will tell.
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