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What is a fetish?

Now that we have this new blog here let us start with some basic questions. Many readers who find their way here might already know the basics about fetishism or kinky things. Still my aim is also to introduce the subject to those who doesn't know much about it. So here we go and start from the beginning.

There are many sources already where you can find some basic information related to kinky things. Nowadays you have the internet so almost all the information is just few clicks away from you. There still might be some problems finding down-the-earth styled sites those could tell you about fetishism in appropriate way and in positive light. Other option is to buy a book that describes fetishism or kinkiness. These books can be rare but you can find them from some online book stores. I recommend that you check the description of the book in advance or try to find a book review before you buy one. Some of the books are quite nice but some of them might be just half-humorous or just some fantasy stories.

If I try to describe fetishism in a nutshell with my own words I'd say that fetishism is a personality trait and it might be inherent. If some person is a fetishist he (or she) doesn't usually choose it. Some people might find fetish things and objects arousing just as sexual objects but some people might need their fetishes more often and not always in sexual meaning. You could say that for some people fetishes can be a part of their inner self, their identity. They can keep their fetish so important that they need it regularly. It might be something like dressing regularly in fetish clothing or having their fetish objects near them.

Fetish isn't always an item or an object though. Fetish can be also something like certain part of the body, a touch or a feeling, some kind of act or gesture or even some kind of sound. So we can say that fetish is something you enjoy via your senses. And it includes your every sense.

The meaning of fetish can be really important. Fetish can make fetishist to relax, to enjoy or to feel something good. Feeling can be kind of a "right" feeling like "this is who I am" or "this is what I love". Feeling can be superior, euphoric, relieving or something similar. These are the main feelings I'd say every fetishist will have and this is the reason why I want to draw a line between fetishes and plain sex - because when you talk about fetishes you don't always talk about sex straightaway. Fetishist can enjoy fetishes sexually or non-sexually.

Almost everyone has some kind of a fetish even they don't recognize it. This is the point when we start to talk about kinky stuff. There is an undefined field on fetishes what is actually kept normal and what not. I'd say that when the fetish gets more rare it's considered more kinky and in that case more weird. I'd also say that fetish is also always considered weird if it includes some kind of material or object. Then we can say that for example latex fetish is considered rare and kinky even though there are hundreds of thousands latex fetishists around the Earth. Just because latex clothing isn't kept common and approved.

But you could have fetish for mens suit instead. Mens suit is traditional and common worldwide which makes it normal. It is easier to accept as a normal thing even though it is a fetish for many people after all. Some get a powerful and good feeling when using one, some get vibes and kicks when looking or feeling them. Same goes with different kind of uniforms. You can even keep them sexy and it's commonly accepted - just because uniforms are common worldwide and someone has decided to not keep them weird.

You could have a fetish for hearing someone speaking french. You could have a fetish for womens breasts. You could have a fetish for wearing yoga pants (talking especially about women because for them it might be usually considered as normal thing although it could also be more important and satisfying than just some pants). You could have a fetish for muscles or thin bodies. And to get an angle here I think that if someone wants to be thin and muscular and get a sexy superheroic and enjoyable feeling from that it could be even a fetish. A basic need for feeling good. A part of their identity that makes them feel superior. Something that makes sex life better and spiced. Somehow comparable to latex fetish.

I hope my opening here was clear and informatic. It's not based on any studies - it's based on my own feelings, thoughts, discussions with others and experiences. So we can say that this is kind of one primary source for your studies.

After all that I have thought and written here I'm sure that almost everyone on this planet always have some kind of fetish. Congratulations. And welcome aboard  =P


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