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Everyone has the right to decide whether they want to try kinky things or not

Kinky subjects can be sensitive themes between people who don't share the interest or understanding about kinky things in a same way. It's quite common that a couple have different ideas about intimacy, good sex, fantasies or even about good ways to spend spare time at home together. The art of the relationship is that how does the couple combine their interests and dreams together so they can live together and pursue the things they wish. Sometimes relationship might demand someone to drop a thing or two because the other doesn't want same things or even can't live pleasantly if forced to deal with them. On the other hand some things can be a shared subject of interest which can give the relationship a strong bond and might be not only a pleasant thing but even a source of power and happiness. These things are vital for the relationship as they are the glue between the couple.

If there are things that share couples opinions they have to be solved. Sometimes these things might not be so big. If the other doesn't share the same interest on some TV series it's quite often ok if other just watches those series alone. Someone might crave food spiced with hot sauce or garlic while other doesn't want them. It can be solved quite easily. Someone might stay hours in the garage fixing some device the other hasn't any interest in. Then there's time for own personal interests. But after all everyone have their own natures and subjects of interests. No-one has to drop every personal interest because of the relationship. These personal interests are the things which makes us ourselves, individuals. And this is richness.

But then there are those bigger things which really has to be solved if the relationship is wanted to last. These things are the ones which have major effects between the couple. Which kind of home the couple should have. Should there be kids. What kind of rules there are in the house. How to share tasks at home. How to deal with invoices and other money relating issues. 

One of the major things in a relationship is unquestionably intimacy and sex life. If the couple doesn't share the same vision and needs regarding them the relationship suffers and might go on the rocks. 

Interest in kinky things can be a really powerful source of happiness in a relationship. But if the other one doesn't share the interest it might be a really big problem. There are many kinky oriented people who experience their fetishes or other kinky sides a big part of their life or even their identity. Some people might be able to leave kinky things behind in order to create a working relationship. But this isn't always possible. It is crucial to understand that kinky things are not always just some little fun in the bedroom. They might be really important things to someone.

Despite the importance of kinky things to some people it is always obvious that everyone has their right to decide whether they want to try these things or not. If someone can't find any idea to try BDSM or dressing into rubber dress it is totally ok. It must be accepted that someone just can't or don't want to try kinky things. On the other hand these people have to respect kinky oriented ones and understand that those things are really important to them.

A fantasy or a joke? Despite of your opinion you have to understand that other might think it other way. Always respect others opinion and give them understanding.

This disagreement might lead to divorce or separation. If two people doesn't share the same interest about intimacy or sex life it can be really big and unsolvable problem. There still might be some solutions though. Maybe the couple can try to get closer to each other and try even a bit of something that is important to other. Maybe the one with kinky interests is happy just if he / she can deal with the kinky things alone often enough. Maybe there are even more solutions. Or maybe not. But never leave them unsolved or undiscussed. It might lead to sadness, depression or other really negative feelings.

I encourage people to talk openly about these sensitive things in order to solve the possible problems. Even if there could be a risk of break-up it would be still worse to leave important things not discussed. After some time there can be even bigger problems and more probable separation. The good side of the sensitive discussion is that there's always an effort to solve problems and make the relationship even stronger and better than before. The courage is to walk forward and even try despite of the fear of separation.

I wish there will be many relationships out there where people can understand each other enough and be happy. Never force other one to do or to drop something that shares your opinions.


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