I have a strong opinion that kinky is a caste of sexual minority. Whether kinky should be added among other sexual minorities or not will be always a sensitive subject. There are many perspectives how kinky is not the same thing as being a person from under the rainbow. First of all many people say that being kinky is about having sex in a certain way. It's commonly not considered among sexual minorities because traditional sexual minorities are about loving other people who are not of opposite gender. So in the rainbow case it's about loving other human being in not the traditional man-woman -way. Kinky people are often heterosexuals with different type of kinks so it's commonly considered as normal sexual realtionship with some spices in a bedroom. Kinky people may not be an option under rainbow-colored sexual minorities. Despite that being kinky is being in a sexual minority. But this mental image is something I want to shoot down. Yes, I agree that in the most ...