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Only men are fetishists and only girls can be fetish models?

When I look at the fetish scene I always end up asking myself these questions: Are only men true fetishists who crave fetishes and need to deal with them constantly? And are girls only allowed to have a status of worshipped fetish model?

I ask these because when people browse the magic world of Internet or take part to fetish occasions they always see the similar thing: Women dressed in latex having fantastic life in the spotlights and men at the crowd following them. I have given this a thought so often that I decided to chew over it a bit.

Popular fetish models are always women. Is it a mandatory?

First of all I believe that fetishism isn't a feature concerning only men. Of course there are women who are also interested about fetishes. But the thing I can't compare is that how deep is the feeling and the crave for fetishes between men or women.

I believe that men need fetishes more. Usually men think sex more often than women which can connect to need for fetishes to be present more often. Men are also more often straightforward with passions and are venturesome to try different things. I believe that most of the women are more careful with sex life and more reserved if there are new things to try. Especially if women have negative opinions concerning fetishes it is really hard to discuss about them.

Of course the situation can be vice versa. Maybe woman wants to try something that man doesn't like. But I believe that it's more common when women want to keep their head. I believe that it's something about concerning their self-esteem. If they are not accepted the way they are they feel rejected and start to worry if they aren't good enough. These things are sensitive and I advice to discuss about them carefully.

So, to answer myself I believe that men aren't fetishists alone. Fetishism isn't gender-related issue. It is up to individual if there's a need to deal with certain fetish. The need and sensuality of the fetish might be stronger to men more often because men value pleasure and sexuality over some values which women prefer before pleasure. But all genders have fetishists.

Then the second question. Can only women be fetish models? If we look around fetish world women are almost always the centre of attention. Women have the curves. Women have the make-up options. Women have more options to dress up. And women are more popular.

Actually these four phrases goes not only with fetish scene but generally with every scene. Women are way more popular choices to modeling. I haven't investigated this but I believe that marketing has. Women must be the ones people want to see promoting something instead of men. When there's a woman on the picture it will gather more looks and likes. If there's flirt, seducing expression or even something sexual on the picture it definitely draws attention. This goes with advertising or even with common selfies.

There are also companies and photographers who publish pictures of fetish male models. It is still very rare as women rule the social media feeds.

If there's a man on the picture it doesn't get so popular. First of all most men don't want to look at other men. Because it's gay? I'm not sure why. But the thing that confuses me more is that even women don't like to look at men. This is the phenomenon I'd like to chew through. Is it because of our culture where it's almost always that man has to make the move towards woman if interested? And women have so many options that they reject men more than get interested about them? Do women feel insecure if they see men because they could show interest to women? Or is it just that women doesn't care so much about men on the pictures than men care about women?

So or so, we keep seeing women all around on the pictures, videos and marketing. And one thing is clear as a day: Marketing uses things which sells products and services. If the female model is the one who gets more interest than male then the equality can be tossed away. The only thing that matters is money.

If the female fetish model presenting a curvy catsuit can make the catsuit sell she's the choice. If the female fetish model gathers more followers and likes on social media she's the choice. And if she's willing to model in a way that draws attention, even if it means something sexy, she's the choice.

Women are followed by men. Women can even make men to drool. But women are also followed by other women. Why? Maybe other women wish to get tips from them. Or maybe they just want to follow some other woman's life that looks fascinating.

Maybe men are kept boring nowadays. Men have been the centre of everything in the business world and other things for decades. Maybe men are considered conservative and types who have to be dressed on a suit or change the oil on the car. Maybe modeling business is just kept as a thing for women. Especially in fetish context.

I bought myself few fetish photography books. All you can find among the models are skinny and certain types of women. Mostly publications have same popular fetish models as seen almost everywhere. Would there be room for different genders, styles and body types?

Even though I understand the phenomenon by the reason of making money I'd still like to see more normalization on the fetish modeling. Most of the fetish models are the same type of women: Skinny, curvy, sexy, lots of make-up. And actually we see same models going round and round very often. How about some more options?

My girlfriend mentioned a good thought. Why can't for example latex companies put pictures of different body types wearing the certain garment? Because when you see that skinny curvy fantasy girl on the picture wearing latex catsuit it will never look the same on you. It would be great to see how would that catsuit look on a normal looking woman without any breast touching or ass raising on the picture. How would that catsuit look on a plumpy type of body? Why are we hiding plump people from the fetish world?

To answer to my second question I believe that it's sad and true. At the moment I believe that only girls, especially only certain type of girls, can be fetish models. This might be because their pictures are hot and they sell the products. But I really wish that we will have more equality and acceptance in the fetish world too. I wish that we get to see different types of people on the pictures and marketing and around the scene. I strongly wish that even at the fetish world the direction will be to more normal style where ordinary can be enough.

Fetish scene shouldn't be about worshipping few girls we don't even know. Fetish scene should be about being happy, seeing happy people and being happy together. This can be acheived when we are all equal.

I lean back and sip my coffee while waiting for that change. It might take a while.   


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