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Interview: Tigrita

I had an idea to interview some other fetishists to gather thoughts and feelings from like-minded people. I think this can widen up the picture about fetishism and perhaps tell some other stories about fetishism than just my own. After all everyone is individual and have their own experiences and feelings about their fetishes.

My focus is to question more about backgrounds, thoughts and experiences than entertaining sides of fetishism.

My first interviewee is Tigrita from Finland. Here are some information and thoughts from her:

Please tell a bit about yourself (for example nickname, age, country and town, employment, relationships, hobbies, interests, pets or similar...)

My name is Tigrita and I'm 36 years old. I live in South-Western part of Finland and share my life with my partner Senshi. I'm a bit lazy but I love doing sports, especially crosstraining and dancing. I also enjoy to walk in nature. I wish that some day I have an opportunity to start horse riding again. 

How did you end up to fetish world?

I have always been somehow kinky. I got known to BDSM world first time when I was about 18 or 19 years old. Already back then I dated a guy who loved latex, but I never really realised it was a thing for me too. I loved pretty shoes, corsets and leather but I didn't consider myself as a fetishist. I also liked a lot of Qumma's pictures. Qumma is a Finnish artist who is known about his fetish photographs.

When I really found latex I was over 30 years old. Again I met a guy who loved latex. He let me experience how latex feels, smells and tastes and gave some good advices what to buy and how to use latex. When I got my first latex piece I knew it was something special.

(Photograph by Jarno Lindholm)

What do you wish to achieve from the fetish world? (be famous, have friends, have a relationship, visit occasions, get jobs, enjoy the fetishes, just hanging around or similar...)

There is so much to explore in the fetish world! It would be awesome to visit events all over the world. For now I have visited only in German Fetish Ball and in Finnish events. Meeting new people is fun and seeing old ones is always a pleasure. 

Do you have some ideology which you follow in your life?

Follow your heart, it is usually right.

What is your best moment or moments in the fetish scene?

My best moment in the fetish scene was meeting my partner. It was a special day.

What are your main fetishes? How important your fetishes are to you?

I have so many fetishes! The biggest of them are hands and voice. The wrong kind of hands or voice of speak is definitely a very good reason not to date a person.  From material World I would say the most important ones are latex and leather. Latex makes me whole and I wouldn't live without it anymore. I could, but I wouldn't be happy then. All of my fetishes are part of me so they are very important to me. Otherwise I wouldn't appreciate myself. 

(Photograph by thome)

Do you live openly with your fetish side or do you wish to keep your private life separate?

I live openly with my fetishes but I keep my sex life private. And yes, there is a difference between these two things. I can easily wear latex without turning on, then it just makes me feel comfortable, powerful, somehow more myself. It is a beautiful, interesting material and it would be a shame to use it only in bed, if you know what I mean.

Have you had any negative experiences in your life because of your fetishes?

Not really, but I have been in two long relationships with people who weren't fetishists and something was missing then. I just didn't know for the better so it wasn't really negative thing, just a thing that teached me how important it is that your loved one accepts all your sides.

How about positive sides that your fetishes have brought to your life?

I have met awesome people and got an opportunity to do amazing photoshoots. I never thought I would enjoy posing in front of the camera but that is something I do now. I know myself better now. I have also got new friends and a relationship with a man who understands me.

Would you like to see fetishism more ordinary and accepted subject than nowadays or do you like to see fetishism more as an objectionable vice?

I would like to see fetishism as a normal thing. But if even a basic sex isn't a normal thing like eating, how could fetishism be.

Three common things you love and three things you dislike?

+ kettlebells
+ horses
+ cats
- war
- greediness
- hard wind

Want to mention your possible sites, like Instagram, FetLife etc?

Tig_rita on Instagram.

Something you wish to say for the readers?

Be yourself but never hurt anyone intentionally. So, be honest to yourself and to your loved ones.


Thank you very much for your time and I wish you all the best for the future!


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