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Fetishism isn't an ideology itself - Keep ideologies apart from fetish events

I have noticed during past years that in the fetish related events and pictures are often involved some kind of symbols which usually are related to some kind of ideologies. Mostly these ideologies are kept as vice, minor, liberal or even evil. I question why these symbols are quite often and openly related and shown within the fetish context.

Because fetishism itself isn't an ideology. It's a feature of an individual. And individuals have their own ideologies.

Example one: I was taking part on a fetish event in Finland few years ago where one organizing part decided to use Nazi-related decorations around the place. It could have been just a minor thing if this symbolism would have been carried around by some individuals. But when the organizing part used these symbols and decos around widely it didn't seem to be just about decorating a fetish event. It created an atmosphere where the symbol and ideology were declared by the organizer. It made a pressurizing feeling that even the participants should have accepted these ideas. Not good.

Example two: I saw some years ago an advertisement of finnish fetish party where was a picture of a woman crucifixed and with upside-down crosses taped on her breasts. An advertisement which exuded the spirit of anti-religious attitude. Was it supposed to be just a fetish party or an occasion with anti-religious ideology? Not good.

Example three: Antichrist. A big fetish club and events in Great Britain of which I have heard but which I haven't visited. I could visit the occasion but I have my prejudices already even though I don't know anything about the event itself. Just because of its name. It sounds that the event states in advance that traditional religion isn't good and the occasion prefers those who are atheists or have dark-sided religious visions. Go there and worship the antichrist. No. Not good.

This is the reason why the fetish world shouldn't involve symbols or ideologies but on an individual level. This counts for example symbols which are related to religion, fascism and politics.

If some influential actor, producer or event shows symbols in their publications it is a statement. This is something that many people don't even think about, maybe including the publisher itself. So if some event posts a flyer around with swastikas or upside-down crosses they actually spread the ideology that these types of symbols and ideologies are welcome.

And the problem isn't that if those things are welcome. The problem is that their opposite symbols and ideologies are considered to be not welcome as they aren't shown alike.

So, if we think about fetish occasions there should never be an ideology beneath them. It shouldn't be a problem whether the participant is religious or not. Neither should be a problem if the participant is conservative or liberal. It may be that fetish world attracts certain types of people because it has been kept as a vice and a scene for those who fight against the traditional world. But there are people too who would like to feel accepted with their fetish sides despite that they come from more traditional circumstances.

If the symbol itself or its related ideology is a fetish for someone it should be considered if the symbol can be worn or shown in public. I can understand the need if someone wishes to use some symbol personally in an occasion but everyone should still consider if it's worn just for fun or is there a tendency to signal something more to others around. I couldn't allow anyone to use questionable symbols on behalf of an occasion, party or show and I'd still be aware if several individuals would like to share their ideology among others. Laws and ethics should always be respected over individual desires or cravings. This means that everyone should be accepted and respected as who they are as long as there is nothing illegal.

In a nutshell - The individual freedom to carry symbols and feel good with their meanings while respecting laws but also the freedom to have an ideology of own and not feel judged by others around.

Would you accept that? And what would you do if the fetish scene would turn upside down and have Christian crosses all around? Or declaring that your polyamory isn't welcome as the occasion prefers traditional couples? Maybe some conservative political logos on the walls? And rainbow flags on the floor would be just carpets to have sex on them?

I know that for example the Christian church has much opinions regarding liberal things. But what comes to fetish events - Fetish event is not a church. It is a fetish event. It shouldn't involve an ideology. It should be a fetish event for all fetishists.

The only statement that fetish world, especially events and occasions, should make is that everyone should be welcome as they are regardless of their religion, political ideology or possible fantasies related to symbols or their meanings. This is the only way to create equality.

Equality and diversity aren't made through creating scenes and events available for just certain ideologies. They are made by accepting each others as we are. Even if it takes consensus sometimes. We can always agree at least that we disagree something. But still we will have something in common. The fetishism itself. And that's the main reason for fetish events.

Fetish world and its events should be open for everyone. Please signal it that way.


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