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News and media stigmatize kinky people too often - Where are the appropriate and understanding views?

This blog article deals mostly with finnish culture and situation of finnish media and reporting regarding kinky subjects.

But even if we talk about Finland only or the whole world I find reporting about kinky subjects mostly same. They are juicy topics for laughing or horror. But we lack appropriate reporting about kinky people, fetishism and BDSM.

Let's start with cold facts

While media mostly report kinky things in a negative way or related to negative contexts the readers of papers, followers of media and all of the "vanilla" citizens create their images regarding all the people who are related to any kinky things. There is a risk that all kinky individuals are kept similar and mostly in a negative way.

I can't accept that. This is why I try to do my part by telling things from my point of view.

From my point of view "kinky" as a subject is still kept too much as a taboo. While it is a taboo it is a delicious subject for only those who desire strong emotional reactions from the audience. This is why we still see kinky things mostly in the TV or news related only to mega-sexy women dressing up in fetish gear or related to some crime in real life or in fictional set.

And these are the only mental images that are brought to us by the media.

Thank you, thank you a lot. I have felt so good during my life because fetishism isn't understood properly, almost never discussed properly but very much showed as a feature of bimbos, gays and serial killers only. Way to go, media! Way to go newspapers and Hollywood!

This is your ordinary fetishist. This is me. An ordinary individual from mundane life. Not a superstar, not a creep, not a criminal. So why do media make fetishists look like sick, twisted and depraved people?

The big picture, a.k.a negative journalism

Instead of serious and understanding articles there have very well been much of entertaining or negative articles about kinky subjects. It isn't a surprise that all of the entertaining publications mainly focuses to use kinky subjects in a context that provoke reactions to readers. Mostly desired reactions are laughing and amusement or extremity, horrification and condemnation.

"Hey look at me, I'm a woman wearing latex!"

Entertaining side is really commonly done with women who wear something that is kept sexy and kinky (1).

It is really cheap that every time some singer or model wears leather or latex it is on the headlines. There is nothing else behind that than need for attention and selling the pictures or other products for audience. Most of those stars aren't really fetishists so the phenomenon of fetishism or its importance for someone can never be understood by this kind of shallow reporting. This style of reporting also makes fetish context allowed for female superstars only. Because "special clothes is just a way for them to look like stars".

A collage of news from different sources (1) highlighting celebrity women who have worn latex or other kinky related clothing. Attention is guaranteed, but the news themselves are really shallow and doesn't support comprehension towards real fetishists.

At the same time we are lacking acceptance towards men who would like to wear something similar. Media almost never makes stories about men who love something different because masses mostly think them "just as gays". At the same time fetish-clothed women are always welcome because "they're just so hot".

Men with a kinky side can also be a laughing stock. I remember very clearly an episode from finnish TV serie called "Modernit Miehet" (in english "Modern Men") (2).

In the episode one of the main characters ends up to a situation where he tries to cheer up his sex life with her wife. His wife wishes something new and different. The man comes up with an idea to try something kinky so he buys few sex toys and dresses up in full latex suit. The situation continues with his wife seeing him in that latex suit and the wife laughs her head off leading the man to withdraw feeling ashamed. The episode continues laughing to kinky subjects as the man gets stuck with the suit and even ends up in front of his parents while wearing the suit.

This episode might have been great comedy for someone. For me and perhaps for some more it was repulsive. While seeking for understanding for kinky subjects and trying to explain the feelings and importance of these things to people these kinds of jokes really punch below the belt.

"Every kinky male person is a potential murderer"

But entertainin
g media isn't the only one that "merits" in making shallow and negative picture about kinky people. While we haven't got much proper articles and stories about real kinky people in normal and mundane life we have got some articles about criminality which have involved some features of kinky subjects.

For example finnish media reported quite widely about Peter Madsen and Michael Penttilä. 

Among the murder suspect reporting Madsen was said to have dangerous pervert cravings and a statement of psychological assessment of prosecutors said that Madsen is "a perverted polymorph, and highly sexually deviant" (3).

My point regarding this newspaper clip is that these kind of news are mostly the only serious news making mental images to people regarding something kinky. Although the word "kinky" isn't mentioned there is a mention about "pervert sexuality" which is commonly the degrading expression about something kinky.
I wish to state that these kind of news should never be combined with common kinky people.

Reporting may be correct but these kind of articles, while we are lacking proper news about kinky people, are just ones to make mental images to common people that "every kinky is a pervert and potential killer".

I demand responsibility from media while making pictures of some castes of people.

Then again, Penttilä was on the news about murder suspect and he was said to have cravings for strangling and dressing up in fetish way (4). While he was in the headlines and even told about his fetishes himself media didn't only make articles about that one person for people to read about. Media also made a mental picture about all the people who have any cravings related to fetish dress-up or asphyxiation.

A finnish tabloid made a big headline that could be read in style that "sexual sadist should never be released from custody". Although the headline poster is intended to refer only to this certain article it makes a mental image about all sadists who deal with BDSM and kinky subjects. Most of them are ordinary citizens with no illegal actions.

Once again only one case made media write widely about kinky subjects relating to really frightening incident and therefore common people made their mental image concerning all the fetishists and BDSM-orientated people.

I don't even want to ask what they are thinking.

The positive journalism about alternative, kinky and fetish subjects

Fortunately there have been some positive exceptions. There are few individuals and actors who don't take kinky-subject to their publications in a negative way. Neither can be found any indications about BDSM or fetishism being culpable or something mysterious.

For example finnish reporter Paula Tiessalo has done great work in my opinion. In her articles she has reported about kinky people and other sexual subjects in a neutral way and from a positive angle (5, 6, 7, 8). Instead of joking or being horrified she writes about things as they are and how they can be important to someone. Remarkable work if you ask me. And a forerunner as a reporter.

Other reporters who deserve my thanks are Jussi Mankkinen and Ina Mikkola.

Jussi Mankkinen is a cultural reporter who takes lots of photographs regarding sub-cultures and alternative styles. He also writes articles about occasions and persons related to those subjects. His stories include not only aesthetic and visual interests but also an angle for understanding the minds and needs of the minorities (9, 10, 11).

Ina Mikkola has her unique style to report about several subjects which could be easily left without discussion (7, 12, 13). She has also brought her point of view in the sexual discussion by telling about her experiences in the sexual related scenes and making a documentary TV program about porn. Her latest contribution to discussion about sexuality has been her book. Brave reporter with a brave style and with an angle for understanding diversity.

Not to forget, Susani Mahadura and Yagmur Özberkan have done their radio broadcasts named Mahadura & Özberkan (14). Their radio program have involved also some discussion about kinky subjects (15). I have heard only this one of the podcasts but I raise my hat for taking these subjects bravely to the program.

Few reporters working for finnish YLE have done a remarkable work introducing the kinky culture, minorities and other alternative phenomenons in curious, proper and positive way (5-15). Even understanding and acceptance can be found among the articles.

The funny thing regarding my notifications above is that all of the journalists and reporters mentioned have been working for YLE which is the main finnish news broadcaster. Although I find it a bit sad that it's the only media corporation in Finland which have actively published proper articles regarding kinky subjects it may also be the very best media actor for it.

I'm quite sure that there have been some articles in some newspapers about kinky subjects in the history. I can remember one article in finnish Turun Sanomat in year 2011 which presented the local kinky society. Few years ago there was an article in Aamulehti which also presented local kinky society but also told about the kinky culture and an event back then.

Alas, these articles are very rare in their class and haven't really gone deep enough into subjects so they could open the importance and experiences of BDSM or fetishism to common folks. Profile stories of individuals would be more than welcome in media to give a deeper picture and experience about fetishism or BDSM. But how many of the fetishists or other kinksters would have the courage to talk about these subjects when the world is already against them?

The conclusion and the future

Of cour
se when we have news they must tell the truth and the facts should be told as they are.

But regarding the kinky subjects there should be more responsibility on media actors as they make huge mental images to the readers and followers.

If media actors make kinky subjects laughable or horrible they should be responsible and make also articles and stories about kinky subjects in normal, understanding and accepting way.

Otherwise they are guilty of creating a wrong picture regarding a minor category of people.

After my writing I still find it cogent. I continue demanding the better quality of reporting regarding kinky subjects.

If it can be a subject for joking and horror, it can be a subject for appropriate and serious articles and also for appropriate movies and documents.

I'll be waiting for producers who take this bull by the horns. And seriously.

References and links (most of contents are in finnish language - but you can try to use translator):

The stereotypical ways to report about kinky subjects:

1) Several articles from different entertaining medias telling about celebrities wearing something sexy or kinky (and that was the news itself):äystä/ar-BB17vbA1
(there are thousands more - just try Google)

2) Modernit miehet, season 2 episode 2, in finnish broadcast application YLE Areena:

3) Several articles from different medias regarding the case Madsen highlighting the statement about his pervert side:

4) Several articles from different medias regarding the case Penttilä highlighting the pervert sides, crave for hard asphyxiation and the leather fetish:

Paula Tiessalo's appropriate articles about kinky subjects and sexuality:

5) Uutta tutkimustietoa seksistä: Heteromies tykkää peilikuvastaan, naisen seksuaalisuus joustaa ja kinkyys voi parantaa

6) Rajustakin sidonnasta ja piiskaamisesta saa nauttia – kunhan kinky-seksiin osallistuva ymmärtää, missä menee leikin ja rikoksen raja

7) Seksuaalinen älykkyys saa ihmisen kukoistamaan – Seksin moniosaaja Ina Mikkola neuvoo miten

8) Eroottinen sidonta nostaa esiin vahvoja tunteita ja on joillekin jopa seksuaalinen identiteetti – "Sanotaan, että köydet eivät valehtele"

Jussi Mankkinen's articles about minorities and aesthetics:

9) Perhe hylkäsi Suomen ensimmäisen romanitaustaisen drag queenin: “Drag-harrastukseni on romaniyhteisössä kauhea skandaali”

10) Lävistyksiä, tatuointeja ja värikkäitä hiuksia – nyt tulevat alternative-mallit

11) Homokulttuuri on Venäjällä undergroundia, mutta Pietarin klubimaailmassa näkyvää: "Ei minua hävetä sanoa, että olen lesbo"

Ina Mikkola's column and thoughts:

12) Ina Mikkolan kolumni: Seksiklubeilta oppia seksuaalisen häirinnän kitkemiseen

13) Porno ja Suomi opettivat Ina Mikkolan näkemään stereotypioiden läpi: "Tieto hälventää häpeää ja ennakkoluuloja"

Susani Mahadura and Yagmur Özberkan winning an award and their podcast about kinky culture:

14) Susani Mahaduran ja Yagmur Özberkanin ennakkoluuloton ja rohkea toimittajan työ palkittiin Suomen Punaisen Ristin inhimillisellä kädenojennuksella

15) Mahadura & Özberkan: Kinky-kulttuuri ja BDSM - Vau, hui vai hyi?


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