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Books: Korsetti (Annamari Marttinen)

Few months ago I read a book named "Korsetti" by Annamari Marttinen (in english "Corset)". It's a book telling a fictional, but very credible, story about a man who grows with a strong need to be a transvestite. Now that I saw an article about this book in a newspaper I remembered it again. It would be a shame not to write about the book to here too!

The book starts telling the story about a young man who gets into situation where he tries on some female clothing. This situation isn't very private or deep as the character experiences it with his girlfriend. The situation is more of a joke than something serious. The girlfriend keeps the whole situation laughable but at the same time the main character starts to feel something different. Something more deep and serious.

Actually if we think about it, throughout the history it has been kept very much as a joke if a man dresses into clothes which are made for the women in the first place. Still we can see these kind of historical attitudes despite the fact that we have gotten much of unisex clothing to the picture. Women are also allowed to use most of the mens clothing or at least have influences from them. But somehow it is still greatly wrong for men to dress up feminine clothes or use accessories or make-up.

Annamari Marttinen's book "Korsetti" (Corset) tells a story of transvestite who starts to find his feminine sides. The path isn't an easy one.

Getting back to the book, the story goes forward with the main character going through deep thoughts as he tries to study himself and his strange new feelings. The man starts to find his feminine sides and the needs to experience something feminine. He begins to have a need to express himself more feminine and he learns that he can achieve a better feeling with himself when he has an option to move to more feminine areas of clothing and make-up.

It's worth noticing that the main character isn't craving feminine clothes all the time. He desires to dress up occasionally. This goes along with reality in many cases as I believe that most of the transvestites aren't expressing themselves in feminine way around the clock.

It is often very hard to describe the feelings of someone else when the examined and observed issue is rare or even a taboo. But for the readers fortune this book does the descriptions, feelings and views in excellent way. The book can really give a credible view to reader how someone may find something important and fragile that he cherishes while the world is against him because of prejudices and intolerance.

The book doesn't make transvestism any more pretty or allowed than it is in the real life. And it is actually very good. The book gives a very excruciating and sad picture about the situation that transvestites may encounter. While women are allowed to be pretty, fragile and play with their looks and make-up men are still kept in a narrow caste by not only the society but also by their close relatives and loved ones.

Finnish newspaper Turun Sanomat published a book review worth mentioning in their weekend extra 5.9.2020. This brought me back to book "Korsetti" which I read myself some time ago. Also the reviewer here has found the book a good one to read. She has said that book can widen the picture about different people and awaken thoughts how people may have prejudices and judgement towards other people without even a try for understanding them. Really good thoughts and a good review.

It's still very common that boys and men have to grow up to be masculine and strong showing nothing that could be feminine and doing nothing that would be against masculine grandeur. And if they do they are an easy target for majority.

And as transvestism is still not very common in a big picture most of the transvestites may experience a need to be in the closet, to be hidden with their important things. This creates a constant fear of revealing and judgement.

Later in the book the main character faces many disturbing and sad situations which were described so strongly that they made me shake and almost cry. The main reason for that was that I found many similar situations that I could compare to my teenage years or adulthood experiences when I tried to understand my need for my fetishes and later on my feminine sides. While my experiences may not have been purely feminine and about transvestism the situations of the book's story are very comparable to any other individual who may have experienced similar situations with prejudices or judging. This is why the book is suitable to observe on behalf transvestites but also behalf other minorities, like sexual minorities, transgender people or kinky people. Many of them may find this book a good one to read and refer to.

The book has also positive plot twists so it isn't totally about sadness and dark thoughts. But I really do appreciate the writer for her delving into transvestites world and plausible experiences and mindscapes. The book isn't a sunny fairytale. It is a realistic and penetrating story that should be read by many. Especially by those who don't understand transvestism.

I give to book "Korsetti" an excellent rating. I truly recommend this book to all the people to get a picture of a plausible individual of minority who has to go through a lot and even too much just because he wishes to be himself.

As an ending comment I truly wish that some day we can live in a world where transvestism isn't so big thing. Or a thing at all.


1) A news article of finnish Aamulehti about the book (in finnish):

2) The book publishers website (in finnish):


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