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Showing posts from December, 2018

Review: Asuka plugsuit / Andromeda Latex

In the year 2016 I was lucky enough to get a slot from Andromeda Latex for commission of latex Asuka plugsuit. I was really anxious as I knew that this opportunity would be really rare but the costume wouldn't be cheap. I had always dreamed to get an Asuka plugsuit that would be perfect. Nothing like those poor ones around everywhere in cheap internet stores. I made a decision and asked for a commission. I got one. Asuka Langley Soryu meets Finland. Costume: Andromeda Latex. Model: Senshi. Photo: Tigrita. The system of Andromeda Latex is based on commissions and slots for them. People get a picture of manufacturer that is almost always booked full and rarely has any slots open. After all this is understandable because unique and high-quality costumes aren't anything like some mass-producted garments. Luckily sometimes one can notice an open slot that is announced on the website or social media channels. The commission and communicating are done with email. Thi...

Kinky theme is lacking proper enlightenment

I really miss a proper enlightenment about kinky theme. Kinky things have popped out here and there and they have often reached interest and attention. But the way those kinky things have been brought to light have been poor. There are almost always only two ways how kinky things are dealt with: They are a laughing stock or horrible things. The reason for this is quite simple: The lack of appropriate approach aiming to common knowledge about kinky subjects. You can once again compare kinky people situation to HLBTIQ-people. For example homosexuals were commonly underground about 60 years ago. Homosexuals were kept sick and the subject was a taboo. In the long run homosexualism has become very much accepted around western countries. What has lead to this? I guess it's about the hard work of course but I also guess that rainbow movement have been giving a proper enlightenment about their subjects and matters. They have given an angle about their situation and told that their sexual...

What is a fetish?

Now that we have this new blog here let us start with some basic questions. Many readers who find their way here might already know the basics about fetishism or kinky things. Still my aim is also to introduce the subject to those who doesn't know much about it. So here we go and start from the beginning. There are many sources already where you can find some basic information related to kinky things. Nowadays you have the internet so almost all the information is just few clicks away from you. There still might be some problems finding down-the-earth styled sites those could tell you about fetishism in appropriate way and in positive light. Other option is to buy a book that describes fetishism or kinkiness. These books can be rare but you can find them from some online book stores. I recommend that you check the description of the book in advance or try to find a book review before you buy one. Some of the books are quite nice but some of them might be just half-humorous or...

Building of Senshi's Shelter begins

New fetishism introducing blog Welcome to Senshi's Shelter - Fetish lifestyle blog with primary goal to introduce you a part of the fetish world focusing on its ordinary side. This blog tries to give a picture of a fetishist as a normal human being and tries to shoot down myths and prejudices. This blog is meant to be appropriate and humane way to introduce fetishism and fetish lifestyle. From what I have seen I believe there could be some demand for more thoughtful telling about fetisism. Fetishists can understand their feelings and needs themselves but they are too often looked down by the "ordinary people" who don't have any of the fetishes which are kept uncommon on everyday life. And this is something I wish to change in the future. Mostly because I have experienced fear, anxiety and sadness myself during my life just because I've felt that I'm different and others would judge and disapprove me. Because I'm a fetishist an...